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Techniques our experts are using towards safer indoor environment during coronavirus spread

Coronavirus also known as COVID-19 originated from Wuhan, China and has affected humans all over the world. Government all over the world has been taking measures to prevent the spread of covid-19. There have been many deaths worldwide due to coronavirus. To prevent the infection of the coronavirus, our experts have asked people to take some precautionary measures during its spread.

1. Social distancing:

Experts say that social distancing is the only way by which the spread of corona can be prevented. By social distancing people can stay away from each other and can avoid crowds so that the infection does not transfer from one person to another. It’s better to have home-cooked food rather than going outside and eating. Another option can be ordering food at home and consuming it by washing hands properly. People are requesting not to go out unnecessary as it can increase the risk of infection in them and can also affect others at home.

2. Avoiding guests at home:

Your indoor environment can only be safe if it has no visitors from outside. You cannot be sure that people visiting you are infectious or not. These people must have been in contact with various others in the outside world and can bring a lot of infections to your home which can ultimately be fatal for you. Even if you have somebody visiting you ask them to sanitize their hands properly and use masks. Also, if you have some guests from abroad it is your responsibility to ask them if they got tested for covid-19 or not. For any kind of doubt, you can call the local police.

3. Asking aged people and kids below 10 years to stay indoors:

Due to emergency, if going outside becomes very important, it’s your responsibility that you should not take kids below the age of ten and elderly people above the age of 60 along with you. Kids and elderly people are prone to Covid-19 easily. This can also lead to their deaths as the immune system for both of these age groups is weak and the risk of infection in both of them is high.

If the people follow these guidelines strictly, we can win the race of defeating the coronavirus and have a safer world to live in. So, let’s all fight together in this race and take all the advisory measures suggested by the government of our respective countries.
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