Boiler Maintenance and Repair Chicago

A boiler is without a doubt one of the more useful appliances one can have in their household. It not only keeps them warm, which is quite crucial during the winter, but it also provides hot water, useful for dishwashing, laundry, and for a warm shower. It goes without saying that one needs to ensure that their boiler remains in top condition to provide them with efficient heating solutions at their home. And for that, you could not find a better companion for your needs than Chicagoland Dust Air – the leading Chicago boiler maintenance Chicago service provider.

Regular maintenance can ensure that not only your boiler unit works smoothly without any hitch, but it also is efficient in energy usage. It also subsequently lower the chances of any breakdown from happening as well.

Chicagoland Air Duct offers an annual boiler maintenance service. It includes:

  • Controls inspection of the unit
  • Valve maintenance
  • Switch maintenance
  • Piping inspection and maintenance
  • Expansion tank inspection and maintenance
  • Combustion air requirements
  • Boiler Flooding

We provide annual boiler maintenance services at reasonable prices.

Boiler Repair Services

If you think your boiler is not working properly, you should even attempt to operate the boiler and reach out to us immediately. If any part of your boiler has been submerged with water or even sprayed with it, you should immediately schedule an inspection to ensure that the unit and its components are in perfect working condition. A defective boiler is a fire or explosion hazard, which could lead to property damage, serious injury, and even death.

In such a scenario, reaching out to an expert boiler repair and maintenance service provider is the best course of action one can take. Our technicians are highly experienced and committed to ensuring that the boilers are in perfect condition to be used. In addition, our emergency services will place your request as a priority, and we will dispatch our team to your location immediately to inspect your boiler.

Providing customers with highly satisfactory solutions is of utmost importance for us at Chicagoland Air Duct. And to top it all, our boiler repair services are reasonably priced as well.

We know that it requires specialized skills to repair boiler and perhaps, this is the reason why we have become a prime choice for our customers.