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Tag Archives: #furnacemaintenance

Know How Choosing an Effective AC Cleaning Service Benefit You

Dust is very much a part of our lives. We keep brushing it away and it comes back again in full force. No wonder some of us are allergic to it. Just as with every other item in the house, the HAVC air conditioner also requires cleaning and maintenance.

With the arrival of the spring, you start dusting and vacuuming the entire house. So why ignore the AC unit? When you know you have to use it soon, why delay in cleaning it?

But will it be enough if you simply dust or brush it? What about the filters and wiring? A complete cleaning and maintenance service is the right way to ensure that the AC is fully read o use.

Air Conditioner Set up

There are many benefits to hiring a service provider to clean the AC. They are professional, have the required equipment and experience, and can identify and fix any problems in the wiring or working of the AC unit.

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Looking for a Smart Furnace Maintenance Plan? Know This First

Most of you would not have thought about why an annual smart furnace maintenance plan is an absolute necessity. While looking for a smart furnace maintenance plan, you may wonder if it really is worth all the trouble.

One of the most misunderstood services are the ones that are carried out routinely. Most of the homeowners are not aware of how valuable and necessary an annual tune-up is. This article details all the aspects of smart furnace maintenance plans and why it is so important.

Furnace Pipe

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Effective Natural Ways to Keep Indoor Air Clean of your New House

Many people are not aware of the fact that indoor air is around 2 to 5 times more toxic and harmful than air outside the home. What does it mean? You need to find ways to keep indoor air clean. If you make any compromise on the quality of air you breathe, you are inviting serious health issues. Breathing is a process that continues 24 hours a day. The polluted air keep son sending toxic particles inside your body every minute. What are the most effective natural ways to keep indoor air clean of your new house?

Find ways to improve home ventilation system

Home ventilation

One of the most prominent issues that reduce the indoor air quality is high moisture levels. You need to reduce the moisture levels to enhance the quality of air. If you properly ventilate your home, you can lower the moisture levels. How to improve your new home ventilation? Trickle vents can be installed for purifying and cycling the indoor air. You can also consider using exhaust fan to send pollutants outside. Proper ventilation must be there in your kitchen and bathroom because it is a place that is highly vulnerable to indoor air pollution.

Use activated charcoal 

Activated charcoal or active carbon is a natural air purifier. Using this substance is a highly effective way to eliminate impurities and purify indoor air. This odorless purifier is highly absorptive in nature. It removes toxic elements from the air with the utmost efficiency. You can also make use of bamboo charcoal to purify air naturally.


Houseplants are a good option

House plant

According to a study conducted by NASA, houseplants are capable of purifying and rejuvenating indoor air at your new home. These plants protect you against side effects normally linked with toxins such as benzene and ammonia. Several people are using houseplants to reduce the negative impact of pollution indoors. For ensuring efficient air cleaning, you need to have at least one plant per 100 square feet. Peace Lily is the most common houseplant used to filter toxins from the air inside.

Other popular natural methods of cleaning indoor air at home 

Many people are using Beeswax candles due to their natural air purification abilities. The best part of using these candles is that they ionize the air and neutralize impure and toxic compounds. Salt lamps can be termed as another popular choice used by a large number of people to purify indoor air.  You can also use essential oils like thyme, lemon, tea tree, rosemary, oregano, and cinnamon to purify indoor air.

Air Pollution

In spite of using all these natural methods, you must also hire a reliable a duct cleaning service to keep your indoor clean. The air duct system absorbs impurities and allergens like dust, debris, mold, and pet dander over time. This situation leads to the pollution of indoor air which in turn makes a negative impact on your health. This is where the importance of seeking professional help comes in. Trusted companies perform the task of duct cleaning with clinical precision and purify the air effectively to safeguard your health in the best possible way.

Techniques our experts are using towards safer indoor environment during coronavirus spread

Coronavirus also known as COVID-19 originated from Wuhan, China and has affected humans all over the world. Government all over the world has been taking measures to prevent the spread of covid-19. There have been many deaths worldwide due to coronavirus. To prevent the infection of the coronavirus, our experts have asked people to take some precautionary measures during its spread.

1. Social distancing:

Experts say that social distancing is the only way by which the spread of corona can be prevented. By social distancing people can stay away from each other and can avoid crowds so that the infection does not transfer from one person to another. It’s better to have home-cooked food rather than going outside and eating. Another option can be ordering food at home and consuming it by washing hands properly. People are requesting not to go out unnecessary as it can increase the risk of infection in them and can also affect others at home.

2. Avoiding guests at home:

Your indoor environment can only be safe if it has no visitors from outside. You cannot be sure that people visiting you are infectious or not. These people must have been in contact with various others in the outside world and can bring a lot of infections to your home which can ultimately be fatal for you. Even if you have somebody visiting you ask them to sanitize their hands properly and use masks. Also, if you have some guests from abroad it is your responsibility to ask them if they got tested for covid-19 or not. For any kind of doubt, you can call the local police.

3. Asking aged people and kids below 10 years to stay indoors:

Due to emergency, if going outside becomes very important, it’s your responsibility that you should not take kids below the age of ten and elderly people above the age of 60 along with you. Kids and elderly people are prone to Covid-19 easily. This can also lead to their deaths as the immune system for both of these age groups is weak and the risk of infection in both of them is high.

If the people follow these guidelines strictly, we can win the race of defeating the coronavirus and have a safer world to live in. So, let’s all fight together in this race and take all the advisory measures suggested by the government of our respective countries.

How to Identify if your Furnace Needs to get Replaced

During winters, we rely on our furnace systems to keep our home warm and comfortable and prevent seasonal issues. Since furnace stays off for almost half the year, the unit can sometimes become damaged without even our realizing it because most of the things in life, however, furnace won’t last forever.

When such an issue arises with the unit, it’s becomes important to schedule furnace repairs from a professional agency without doing any further delay. Continue reading this blog, as we have mentioned some significant signs to identify if your system needs to be inspected and serviced.

Take your time and think about it, do you have any idea how old your furnace is?

Was it already in your house when you bought it or did you install it by yourself later on?

If your system has been running with some problems and you’re not sure if you should repair or replace it, check out the following point to see if you need to get a brand new furnace.

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Why My Furnace Fails to Heat My Entire House?

A furnace system requires more power to provide heating to your entire house. The system also has to equally provide heating to the entire house which is connected through air ducts.  Usually, a furnace system is easy to maintain and comes without any problems. But there is a common problem that most of the homeowners face like failure in keeping the entire house warm or it creates cold or hot places in the house.

Maintenance Services in Chicago

Reasons behind the Heating Problem of the Furnace

The main reason behind the heating problem of the furnace might be one of these – thermostat, cold/heat source, size, distribution system or other causes like – fan, condensing problem, and problem with pilot light sensors or hardware, control board faults or faulty gas valves. Regular maintenance is the key to have an efficiently operating furnace and deal with all the furnace related problems. It doesn’t matter what type of furnace you have, to avoid the heating or nay other problems you have to have regularly service your furnace.

Hiring a furnace maintenance services in Chicago is the best way to keep your furnace in top condition and avoid all the furnace problems. Through a furnace maintenance services provider you will get professional and skilled services which is performed by a team of experts through modern equipments.

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